Health care organizations have come together to determine the most effective way to provide effect health care services for those that they serve. Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) practices seek to realize the widespread impact that trauma has on resident recovery, recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma in their patients, residents, families, and their staff. Additionally, TIC seeks to integrate knowledge about trauma into workplace policies, procedures, practices, and most importantly, avoiding re-traumatization (Center for Health Care Strategies, 2024).
What are the benefits for a health care facility using Trauma Informed Care?
Facilities that take on a Trauma Informed Approach offer more opportunities for not only their patients but for there staff to engage more fully with their healthcare plans, develop closer and trusting relationships with their staff and providers, as well as promote long-term health improvements. Many facilities have found that TIC can help reduce burnout among health care staff while also reducing staff turnover.
What are the principles of Trauma-Informed Care?
Safety: Throughout the entire organization, residents and staff will feel physically and psychologically safe.
Trustworthiness & Transparency: Any decisions that are made, are made with transparency as well as with the goal of building and maintaining a trusting relationship.
Peer Support: People who have shared experiences are integrated throughout the organization and are viewed as valuable to service delivery.
Collaboration: Within organizations, there are power differences between staff, residents, and organizational staff, TIC attempts to level the power between all parties to support shared decision-making.
Empowerment: Residents and staff’s strengths are recognized, built upon, and validated. This also includes the belief that people can heal from their past traumas and build resilience.
Humility & Responsiveness: Biases, stereotypes and historical trauma are recognized and addressed appropriately.
How can you help be more Trauma-Informed?
Understand that trauma and stress affect everyone differently
Avoid judgements and stereotypes
Practice using sensitive communication techniques
Recognize that people communicate on many different levels and have different styles of communication
Offer opinions to those you are caring for and allow them a voice in decision making
Take care of your emotional health
Be an attentive listener and be patient when listening
Information came from
Wellbeing4la_. (n.d.-b). Trauma and Resilience Informed Tips. UCLA Prevention Center of Excellence.
What is trauma-informed care? - trauma-informed Care Implementation Resource Center. Trauma. (2022, July 7).